... be careful with the virus.
... read all the information.
... be careful with the estrangers.
... give your address.
... give your friends.
... give your password.
... give your personal information.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hello, dear Mario de los Pilares Rosas con Rodríguez Zapa de Tero y Madrid.
Hello dear friend,
I am Marrocad. You have got I sent you this letter by e-mail. I supose that you don't know what is the e-mail, so I sent the letter to your parents.
How have you been all these years? I hope well. I have been very bad because of the economic crisis, and during these years I've been doing senior class of computers (70/80 years) but is a little ...... ploff, because they are a "little" deaf* and do not understand much of anything. If you wish, I will give you instructions to the first thing you have to do:
- First, you have to informed of what is a computer.
-When you know something of computers, you have to go at the Villamil Street and turn left, counting 22 steps and a half and enter into the shop for thread* shoes. There will inform you where you can buy a good computer (cheap as all suffer* the crisis).
The first instructions of my class are:
-You must turn on the computer little button that can be rectangle, square, triangle, round or shaped plant cell with a round that has a pallet in the middle game.
-Then turn the screen, that thing that looks like a shoe box or a very small TV cutup.
-Then you must learn to use a mouse, but it teaches the cat that can excite ...
-Then you learn to use the keyboard.
This class has been informative.
Reply me telling me when you have free time to come to teach you to use either "a" keyboard.
That's it
Pillars of the Roses with Mario Rodriguez Zapa of Tero and Madrid.
With love,
Com has estat durant aquests anys? Espero que bé. Jo no, he estat molt malament per culpa de la crisi econòmica,i durant aquests anys he estat fent classes a persones grans (70/80 anys)però és una mica... ploff, perquè estan una "mica" sordos i no s'enteren gaire de res. Per això, t'ofereixo fer-te classe sobre informàtica domèstica... Si vols, et dono les primeres instruccions per correu:
- T'has d'informar una mica de el que és un ORDINADOR.
-Quan en sàpigues una mica, hauràs de anar al carrer Villamil i girar a l'esquerre, contar 22 passes i mitja i entrar a la botiga de fils per sabates. Allà t'informaran d'on pots comprar un bon ORDINADOR (barat ja que tots patim la crisi).
Les primeres instruccions són:
-Has d'encendre l'ordinador perl botonet que pot ser rectangle, quadrat, triangle, rodó o en forma de cèl·lula vegetal que té una rodona que té un palet partit pel mig.
-Després encén la pantalla, aquella cosa que sembla una caixa de sabates o una tele cutre molt petita.
-Désprés has d'aprendre a utilitzar el ratolí, però no li ensenyis al gat que es pot excitar...
-Tot seguit hauràs d'aprendre a utilitzar el teclat.
Aquesta ha sigut la classe informativa.
Respon-me dient-me quan tens alguna hora lliure que vindré a ensenyar-te a utilitzar bé la "a" del teclat.
Això és tot,
Mario de los Pilares Rosas con Rodríguez Zapa de Tero y Madrid.
Hello dear friend,
I am Marrocad. You have got I sent you this letter by e-mail. I supose that you don't know what is the e-mail, so I sent the letter to your parents.
How have you been all these years? I hope well. I have been very bad because of the economic crisis, and during these years I've been doing senior class of computers (70/80 years) but is a little ...... ploff, because they are a "little" deaf* and do not understand much of anything. If you wish, I will give you instructions to the first thing you have to do:
- First, you have to informed of what is a computer.
-When you know something of computers, you have to go at the Villamil Street and turn left, counting 22 steps and a half and enter into the shop for thread* shoes. There will inform you where you can buy a good computer (cheap as all suffer* the crisis).
The first instructions of my class are:
-You must turn on the computer little button that can be rectangle, square, triangle, round or shaped plant cell with a round that has a pallet in the middle game.
-Then turn the screen, that thing that looks like a shoe box or a very small TV cutup.
-Then you must learn to use a mouse, but it teaches the cat that can excite ...
-Then you learn to use the keyboard.
This class has been informative.
Reply me telling me when you have free time to come to teach you to use either "a" keyboard.
That's it
Pillars of the Roses with Mario Rodriguez Zapa of Tero and Madrid.
With love,
Com has estat durant aquests anys? Espero que bé. Jo no, he estat molt malament per culpa de la crisi econòmica,i durant aquests anys he estat fent classes a persones grans (70/80 anys)però és una mica... ploff, perquè estan una "mica" sordos i no s'enteren gaire de res. Per això, t'ofereixo fer-te classe sobre informàtica domèstica... Si vols, et dono les primeres instruccions per correu:
- T'has d'informar una mica de el que és un ORDINADOR.
-Quan en sàpigues una mica, hauràs de anar al carrer Villamil i girar a l'esquerre, contar 22 passes i mitja i entrar a la botiga de fils per sabates. Allà t'informaran d'on pots comprar un bon ORDINADOR (barat ja que tots patim la crisi).
Les primeres instruccions són:
-Has d'encendre l'ordinador perl botonet que pot ser rectangle, quadrat, triangle, rodó o en forma de cèl·lula vegetal que té una rodona que té un palet partit pel mig.
-Després encén la pantalla, aquella cosa que sembla una caixa de sabates o una tele cutre molt petita.
-Désprés has d'aprendre a utilitzar el ratolí, però no li ensenyis al gat que es pot excitar...
-Tot seguit hauràs d'aprendre a utilitzar el teclat.
Aquesta ha sigut la classe informativa.
Respon-me dient-me quan tens alguna hora lliure que vindré a ensenyar-te a utilitzar bé la "a" del teclat.
Això és tot,
Mario de los Pilares Rosas con Rodríguez Zapa de Tero y Madrid.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Dear readers of the blog / Estimats lectors del blog:
Dear readers of the blog:
would like to thank you for visiting our blog, we encourage you to continue visiting him occasionally and hope you continue liked.
We would also like to thank the people who voted for us (thanks to them we're the most votes and best results! Thanks, we think!), Especially those who voted for us better score.
So that's it, hope to see you again on our blog.
See you soon!
Grup icaria MAR (Maria, Adria i Roc)
Estimats lectors del blog:
voldriem donar les gracies per visitar el nostre blog, us animem a continuar visitan-lo de tant en tant i esperem que us segueixi agradant.
Tambe voldriem donar les gracies a les persones que ens a votat (gracies a elles sóm els que tenim més vots i millors resultats!!! Gracies, us estimem!), sobretot les que ens han votat millor puntuació.
Dons aixo es tot, esperem veure-us de nou pel nostre blog.
Fins aviat!!!
Grup icaria MAR (Maria, Adria i Roc)
Dear readers of the blog:
would like to thank you for visiting our blog, we encourage you to continue visiting him occasionally and hope you continue liked.
We would also like to thank the people who voted for us (thanks to them we're the most votes and best results! Thanks, we think!), Especially those who voted for us better score.
So that's it, hope to see you again on our blog.
See you soon!
Grup icaria MAR (Maria, Adria i Roc)
Estimats lectors del blog:
voldriem donar les gracies per visitar el nostre blog, us animem a continuar visitan-lo de tant en tant i esperem que us segueixi agradant.
Tambe voldriem donar les gracies a les persones que ens a votat (gracies a elles sóm els que tenim més vots i millors resultats!!! Gracies, us estimem!), sobretot les que ens han votat millor puntuació.
Dons aixo es tot, esperem veure-us de nou pel nostre blog.
Fins aviat!!!
Grup icaria MAR (Maria, Adria i Roc)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
In Switzerland, you can find CERN. It is not the type of laboratory that produces practical inventions. But there, in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. In 1980 Tim got a job at CERN for six months, and during this time he wrote a program called "Enquire Within".This name comes from a popular British book. Tim's program aimed to organize his thoughts in the same way that the book organizes information.He wanted to find a way to create links among a wide variety of topycs that interested him. Within this program Tim could made electronic connections between documents.
A hypertext is a special kind of text that is intended to give more freedom to the reader. It contains links that take you to other places.
In Switzerland, you can find CERN. It is not the type of laboratory that produces practical inventions. But there, in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. In 1980 Tim got a job at CERN for six months, and during this time he wrote a program called "Enquire Within".This name comes from a popular British book. Tim's program aimed to organize his thoughts in the same way that the book organizes information.He wanted to find a way to create links among a wide variety of topycs that interested him. Within this program Tim could made electronic connections between documents.
A hypertext is a special kind of text that is intended to give more freedom to the reader. It contains links that take you to other places.
One night in January 1975, Bill Gates* was playing cards with some friends at his University (Harvard University**). Suddenly his friend Paul Allen rushed into the room with a magazine. It had a picture of a new computer called Altair. It was the first computer of the world. Bill and Paul had both loved computers. They had startes a company together which used computers to calculate the best routes for traffic on busy roads. In 1975 the computer industry was almost completely controlled by one computer: IBM.
So Bill and Paul wrote a software program and sold it to Altair. Soon Bill left Harvard and started to work with Paul. They tealized that even small computers "micro computers" would need the software and they called his company Microsoft. This was the beginning of a new industry.
Apple*** Computer (founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in California) was the big succes story of the computer in the industry: they took a product that was unfriendly and turned it into something that could be found besides televisions and radios in ordinary US homes. In the 1980s computers become common. They began to appear in every area of life.
One night in January 1975, Bill Gates* was playing cards with some friends at his University (Harvard University**). Suddenly his friend Paul Allen rushed into the room with a magazine. It had a picture of a new computer called Altair. It was the first computer of the world. Bill and Paul had both loved computers. They had startes a company together which used computers to calculate the best routes for traffic on busy roads. In 1975 the computer industry was almost completely controlled by one computer: IBM.
So Bill and Paul wrote a software program and sold it to Altair. Soon Bill left Harvard and started to work with Paul. They tealized that even small computers "micro computers" would need the software and they called his company Microsoft. This was the beginning of a new industry.
Apple*** Computer (founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in California) was the big succes story of the computer in the industry: they took a product that was unfriendly and turned it into something that could be found besides televisions and radios in ordinary US homes. In the 1980s computers become common. They began to appear in every area of life.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Soon Arpa was spending milions of dollars. In the 1960s American universities owned computers. They were used for mathematical calculations, and were huge. But the computers couldn't communicate with each other. Bob Taylor was put in charge of the project to join the computers of universities. He said he planned to do it by telephone line!
ARPANET, a net that joined the computers of universities had been built! Vint Cerf and Bob Khann began to write asoftware that allowed different networks to communicate. the program was that every computer use a different network so they couldn't understand one another. Two scientists, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn began to write software that allowed different networks to communicate.
Soon Arpa was spending milions of dollars. In the 1960s American universities owned computers. They were used for mathematical calculations, and were huge. But the computers couldn't communicate with each other. Bob Taylor was put in charge of the project to join the computers of universities. He said he planned to do it by telephone line!
ARPANET, a net that joined the computers of universities had been built! Vint Cerf and Bob Khann began to write asoftware that allowed different networks to communicate. the program was that every computer use a different network so they couldn't understand one another. Two scientists, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn began to write software that allowed different networks to communicate.
Friday, October 2, 2009
The day 4 of October of 1957 the President of US, thought that he have the best nation of the world. But then news arrived to the americans: the russians were in space! Milions of persons of all the world, have a radio that says: beep, beep, beeeeeeeep. This electronic noise of the radio was the sound of the satellite Sputnik. This event start the Cold War between Americans and Russians.
The day 4 of October of 1957 the President of US, thought that he have the best nation of the world. But then news arrived to the americans: the russians were in space! Milions of persons of all the world, have a radio that says: beep, beep, beeeeeeeep. This electronic noise of the radio was the sound of the satellite Sputnik. This event start the Cold War between Americans and Russians.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Exercise of disk drives
a) Write a list of all the technical terms with their translation:
Zip drive: Connexió zip
Floppy disk: Disc floppy
Files: Arxius
Back up: Còpia de seguretat
b) What kind of drives do you use to backup or burn your files? How often do you run backups?
We use CD. But we don't run backups normally.
Zip drive: Connexió zip
Floppy disk: Disc floppy
Files: Arxius
Back up: Còpia de seguretat
b) What kind of drives do you use to backup or burn your files? How often do you run backups?
We use CD. But we don't run backups normally.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Exercise of dossier
Importants things that we use with computers.

These are important things that we used and use with computer (in order from left to right):
-The window that opens when we want to back up our files.
-A Cd.
-A zip drive.
-A DVD with his reproductor. We recall that the DVD can also be used by inserting it into the computer.
-A Floppy disk.
-A mouse.
-A keyboard in case of desktop computers.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
-Adventages: Is very small and you can put it in your pocket.
-Disaventages: For to write large texts is very complicate.
-Adventages: It have the same advances than the desktop and is portatil.
-Disaventages: You can complete the battery at any time and you have to reload often.
-Advantages: The screen is very big and you don't have to reload often.
-Disadventages: It has a lot of cables.
-Adventages: Is very small and you can put it in your pocket.
-Disaventages: For to write large texts is very complicate.
-Adventages: It have the same advances than the desktop and is portatil.
-Disaventages: You can complete the battery at any time and you have to reload often.
-Advantages: The screen is very big and you don't have to reload often.
-Disadventages: It has a lot of cables.
Friday, September 18, 2009
We are Roc and Maria. We created this blog to work on the subject called "Computer made easy" in IES ICARIA. We will be updating the blog as of this semester (until February).
Som el Roc, l'Adrià i la Maria. Hem creat aquest blog per treballar en una assignatura del IES Icària anomenada "Computer made easy". Anirem actualitzant el blog a mesura d'aquest quadrimestre (fins el febrer).
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